Google Headquarters: Mobile First Show: @Slice cafe

I set out on a massive challenge this year after pushing myself creatively last year. I decided to create new art pieces both on different materials and sizes (Something I've been incredibly afraid of).  First, it was taking on a design challenge on Google Cardboard for a non profit benefiting homeless youth.  For that, it was about creating a world of dreams, a world outside the norm where one's imagination celebrated the surreal.  My approach was building hope and fun into a simple cardboard device.

The next challenge was showcasing my artwork at Slice cafe, located at the center of Google headquarters. This was my 3rd showing at Google after hanging back in 2012 in Crittenden and the Zurich office. I hadn't created any new designs since Christmas when I sold new holiday cards at the Youtube Bazaar.  I remember walking into Slice to scope out the space and was shocked by the massive walls.  "How the heck am I suppose to fill this with art?" I remember thinking to myself back in December when my husband, stepson and I were celebrating the last leg of our wedding (We had decided to have three wedding celebrations last year to ensure all our close family and friends could come - Half Moon Bay, Paris and Hong Kong).   I was extremely nervous since we also just bought a house in Mountain View which closed in January.  How was I going to make all new pieces I could be proud of by May?

So the madness began....

I started with the concept and somewhere read in the guidelines that art hung at Google should be 'technology related'.


My forte was not exactly inspired by technology but I decided to take a different perspective.  I asked myself the question...'How does my mission of celebrating diversity and connection through  cultural mashups, travel and lifestyle relate to technology?' Then for some reason two words came to me. 

Mobile First.

I knew Google's emphasis was on mobile technology, so I thought about my own life and how technology became a beautiful norm in my everyday interactions.  The best part during the art opening was hearing the interpretations through others and how some pieces mirrored real life from how we read books, track time, interpret beauty and so on... 

I started with wood panels and sketches ranging from 24"x24" to 24"x48" all cut, mounted and finished by hand (with the trusty help of my loving husband)

Packed and ready to go!
  Some amazing help hanging at Slice!
Let the show begin! Early excitement :)
Some support from loyal friends and family share the fun at the opening!

Couldn't have done it without the help of my art coordinator and fellow Googler, Janice. Thanks Janice!

In the end, I sought out to create juxtaposition, imperfection and something beautiful in hopes of representing technology not as something intrusive, but rather as part of this seamless experience we're all learning from together.

This project took eight full weeks with dedicated weekends to complete seven pieces.  It was a personal accomplishment and a pleasure working through the ups and downs of creating something truly special.

Here's to thinking big. Can't be there in person? See more here and follow me as my adventure continues.....

All artwork will be displayed at Google, Mountain View until August and all originals are for sale. For inquiries email